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LitFinder Has a New Look!

Friday, February 5, 2016


Beginning in January,  LitFinder has transitioned to a mobile-responsive interface, with enhanced features. The content remains the same, as well as the ways you search. Here is a summary of the recent changes:

  • Google Drive Integration: From the LitFinder Homepage, users can seamlessly login with their Google Apps for Education account to access tools like Google Drive and Docs Learn more

  • Mobile Responsive Design: New look and feel is optimized for all screen sizes, regardless of device

  • Improved Navigation: Content featured in prime locations with toolbars and filters on the right

  • Enhanced Accessibility: High-contrast banners and improved tool buttons make content easier to locate

Previous LitFinder interface Previous LitFinder Interface


Updated LitFinder interface Updated LitFinder Interface

Explore the new interface here, and please get in touch if you have any questions!

