Back to School with BadgerLink Guides

Start off this school year with BadgerLink by sharing a few new guides with your students, patrons, families, and colleagues! These guides help everyone get the most out of BadgerLink resources, whether in the classroom, library, or home.

This guide shows how to get started finding great information with BadgerLink, including resource topics and steps to log in from home.

These guides highlight "best bets" and the most popular BadgerLink resources by grade level, ensuring students use relevant and appropriate resources that meet their level of complexity for research and exploration. 

Link to these guides on your library website or learning management system, so students and patrons can access from anywhere! 

Want to dive into a particular BadgerLink resource in these guides? Request personalized training or check out our training page for on-demand videos and info sheets. 

Have ideas for more guides you would like to see? Contact Us!