Resource Highlight: Britannica School

In celebration of heading back to school, BadgerLink Bulletin highlights BadgerLink resources especially for our K-12 students and educators.

Resource Basics

Britannica School offers encyclopedia articles with images, maps, games, and other learning materials for all grade levels as well as educators. This school year, dive in and explore all the features of Britannica School, including:

Training Tools

This user guide gives an overview of Britannica School and highlights the essential tools. There are also the following training videos available to view on the BadgerLink Training page:

  • Recorded webinar on Britannica School, reviewing how to search and navigate the resource

  • Recorded webinar on My Britannica, a personalized account within Britannica School to save and share content

  • Recorded webinar on Explore Britannica, tools found on the homepage of Britannica School including articles, images and videos, biographies, World Atlas, Compare Countries, and more

In the Classroom

The Britannica blog offers ideas for using Britannica School in your classroom. These scavenger hunts provide an opportunity for students to familiarize themselves with Britannica School. Choose between Elementary and Secondary.

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You can also add Britannica School results to your Google searches: Check out Britannica School Insights, Britannica’s Chrome Extension, in the Google Chrome Store!