BadgerLink Stories

Here's what BadgerLink users are saying about the resources.

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"Choose my favorite BadgerLink resource? Impossible."

Margi, Library Media SpecialistDeForest, WI

There are simply too many favorites.

Both students and staff at DeForest Area High School are amazed at the quantity and value of BadgerLink databases. Students use Explora for Middle & High Schools and with its new…

Milwaukee Public Schools
"The most important thing about Badgerlink is that students can go home and share this resource with their families." 

Bay View High School students researching with BadgerLink resources


When I first found out how extensive the Badgerlink Resource was, I couldn't believe the abundance of riches available to the people of Wisconsin. Since I started working for Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS) I have found more and more opportunities to show students all the ways they can use…

Madison Public Library

  NeeyatiLibrarian in charge of Electronic Resources at Madison Public Library

"PROOF! Just call me Detective Colombo"

Neeyati: Archive of Wisconsin Newspapers in particular has been a huge asset for us at Madison Public Library. As the resource library for South Central Library System, we get a lot of local history and obituary requests, and having a searchable archive of community publications at…

"I told him that he could access this same database at home using his library card. He was incredulous!"

Chris, Adult Services CoordinatorTwo Rivers, WI


One evening a young man came into the library seeking an auto repair manual. We don’t have auto repair manuals on the shelf for most of the newer cars, so I showed him the Auto repair database on Badgerlink and found just what he needed. He was thrilled!

I then…

Wisconsin Technical College System
"It’s a value add for Wisconsin taxpayers."

Katie Roberts is the Education Director for the Wisconsin Technical College System, and was a member of the BadgerLink Advisory Group from 2019 through 2022. She provides oversight for a variety of programs across the 16 technical colleges in Wisconsin. This is her third professional job in Wisconsin and her fourth time being a resident of Wisconsin.

How has education (or library…

"We consider Academic Search Premier the most important BadgerLink resource for the campuses."

Julie Pohlman is the Director of Libraries and Academic Technologies for the Universities of Wisconsin and was a member of the BadgerLink Advisory Group from 2019 through 2022.

How have academic libraries changed since you were in school?

"NoveList and LearningExpress Library are two things we reference to answer patron questions often."

Zander Miller is the Digital Strategies Librarian at the Kenosha Public Library and was a member of the BadgerLink Advisory Group from 2019 through 2021. He joined the Kenosha Public Library in June of 2019 after receiving his MLIS from the University of…

"We use TeachingBooks for giving students background on authors in preparation for our virtual author visits."

Kay Koepsel-Benning is Director of Library Services at Elmbrook Schools in Brookfield, Wisconsin, and was a member of BadgerLink Advisory Group from 2019 through 2021. Located west of Milwaukee, Brookfield is a community that greatly values education, making for a district with strong parent and community partnerships,…

"During the school year, these resources are my go to when needing specific questions answered."

Karen Howell was a District Librarian at Shell Lake School in Northwest Wisconsin and a BadgerLink Advisory Group member from 2019 through 2022. She is a problem-solver at heart and a lifelong learner. From adapting to the requirements of social distancing in the library, to finding new ways of connecting with teachers, Karen…

"For research in the classroom, first Britannica School, then Explora."

Renee, Library Media SpecialistMilwaukee Public Schools

Renee Laird-Adelon was a library media specialist at Vincent High School in Milwaukee Public Schools and a member of the BadgerLink…

"I love newspaper databases!'"

Noreen, Adult Services LibrarianLa Crosse, WI

Last night I got a phone call from someone looking for a 10-year-old Wall Street Journal article. I talked him through pulling it up in U.S. Newsstream. Before he signed off, he said, "I'm so impressed!"

I've been in Adult Services (formerly Reference) at La Crosse Public Library a little over 30 years. I love newspaper databases! Besides finding that…

"...was thrilled when I explained that she could view that issue online from her computer through the Archive of WI Newspapers in BadgerLink."

Amy, LibrarianFort Atkinson, WI

Ten minutes ago I hung up the phone with someone who was hoping to look at an issue of the Daily Jefferson County Union newspaper from 2012. She was assuming she would have to scroll through microfilm in the library and was thrilled…

"BadgerLink has an abundance of wonderful resources for the legal community."

Diane, Law LibrarianMilwaukee, WI

I am a librarian at a law firm and I can use BadgerLink in so many ways! 

There is a wealth of knowledge that includes news stories, both current and historical, as well as medical, business and industry-specific articles.  The search functionality in many BadgerLink resources is quite similar to that of the subscription-based legal database services.  This means…

"BadgerLink is not just for students."

Rhonda, Business Librarian & Records ManagerWausau, WI

I am so impressed with what's available in BadgerLink that I cannot express it in words. 

I have always found the access to newspapers valuable as a librarian in the business world. I use Archive of Wisconsin Newspapers and…

"I've spent many hours on BadgerLink looking up history and genealogy."

Lisa, GenealogistStevens Point, WI

I found out about this website when I went to my local university's archives to find out history about the home that I live in. I've spent many many hours on BadgerLink in the last few months looking up history and genealogy. So far my favorite resources are HeritageQuest Online and Access NewspaperARCHIVE. I actually just…

"BadgerLink supports the academic curriculum on our campus."

Mernathan, Instructor &Campus FacilitatorMilwaukee, WI

As a result of MATC's recent M3 partnership with Milwaukee Public Schools and the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and the very nature of a technical college, the demographics of our student population are becoming even more diverse. BadgerLink is an invaluable resource that serves our students at every level.


Students and teacher holding laptops with screens facing the camera
"BadgerLink prepares our students to be college and career ready."

We find EBSCO in BadgerLink to be the best resource for the high level of journals that we need to prepare our students to be ready for college and their careers.

Writing a research paper that follows APA guidelines includes a literature review. EBSCO has the high-quality journal articles that provide the in-depth research that allows the…

"I am spared the time, effort, and cost of maintaining subscriptions because I know about the wealth of content in BadgerLink." 

You may be missing out on an incredible DEAL! Everyone is talking about the high cost of living – but not everyone knows that if you live in Wisconsin you can spare yourself the cost of newspaper and magazine subscriptions, or even the trip to your local library by logging into …